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2012 November

Naked Eye:

Matar, page 72.
Alpheratz page 74.
Equuleus page 75.
Sadalsuud, page 75.

Small Scopes and Binoculars:

M 36,37,38, Page 12.
M15, Page 75.
M2, Page 77.

Larger Scopes:

IC 2149, Page 12.
AG Pegasi, Page 75.
NGC 7606, Page 76.
NGC 7009, Page 77.

Bonus Objects:

NGC 1778, Page 12.
NGC 1444, Page 13.
NGC 7331, Page 72.
NGC 7686, Page 72.
NGC 7160, Page 73.
NGC 7448, Page 74.

Happy hunting!

Jupiter is well positioned all night long during November, and makes a great object for showing off to the neighbourhood kids.

PPS. NGC 7448 has been moved to the Bonus Objects from the Small Telescopes and Binoculars section. My bad!

Copyright John Kulczycki